Weight Calculators

Calculate the weight of basic steel shapes.

.fwsWidget .help-block { position: relative; top: 0; }

Weight of Steel Rectangles

Enter values in decimal inches and press tab to calculate.

Weight of OD's, OD-ID's, Rings

Enter values in decimal inches and press tab to calculate.
(function($){ var rectWidget = {}, ringWidget = {}; // Widget object function Widget(options){ $.extend(this,options); this.el = this.el || {}; this.calculate = this.calculate || function(){return '';}; return this; } Widget.prototype = { steelDensity : .2836, errorClass : 'has-error', helpBlock : '.help-block', // Make error message errorMessage : function(msg){ return ''+msg+''; }, // Display validation error message showMessage : function($el, text){ $el.after(this.errorMessage(text)).parent().addClass(this.errorClass); }, // Remove validation error message removeMessage : function($el){ $el.parent().removeClass(this.errorClass).find(this.helpBlock).remove(); }, // Validate entered numbers validateInput : function($el){ var n = $el.val(); // Must be a non-negative decimal number if(n.length > 0 && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n) && n >= 0){ this.removeMessage($el); } else if (n.length !== 0) { this.showMessage($el,'Please enter decimal numbers'); } return this; } }; // Define rectangle widget rectWidget = new Widget({ el : { $rQuantity : $('#rectQuantity'), $rWidth : $('#rectWidth'), $rLength : $('#rectLength'), $rThickness : $('#rectThickness'), $rlb : $('#rectPounds') }, calculate : function(){ var lb = (this.el.$rQuantity.val() * this.el.$rWidth.val() * this.el.$rLength.val() * this.el.$rThickness.val() * this.steelDensity).toFixed(4); lb = (isNaN(lb) || lb < 0) ? '' : lb; this.el.$rlb.val(lb); } }); // Bind rectangle widget $('#calcRectWeight .form-control').on('change', function(){ rectWidget.validateInput($(this)).calculate(); }); // Define ring widget ringWidget = new Widget({ el : { $odQuantity : $('#odQuantity'), $odOutside : $('#odOutside'), $odInside : $('#odInside'), $odThickness : $('#odThickness'), $odlb : $('#odPounds') }, calculate : function(){ var od = Math.pow(this.el.$odOutside.val() / 2, 2) * Math.PI, id = Math.pow(this.el.$odInside.val() / 2, 2) * Math.PI, lb = (this.el.$odQuantity.val() * (od - id) * this.el.$odThickness.val() * this.steelDensity).toFixed(4); lb = (isNaN(lb) || lb < 0) ? '' : lb; this.el.$odlb.val(lb); } }); // Bind ring widget $('#calcODWeight .form-control').on('change', function(){ ringWidget.validateInput($(this)).calculate(); }); })(jQuery);

The information presented here is intended for quick reference only.

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