Convert Inches

Convert fractions of an inch to decimal inches and decimal inches to metric.

.fwsWidget .num {
text-align: right;
.fwsWidget .help-block {
position: relative;
top: 0;

Convert Inches to Millimeters

Enter decimal inches, or millimeters, or fractions of an inch to convert and press tab.
Inches Metric
Fraction Decimal Millimeters
1⁄64 0.015625 .39688
1⁄32 0.03125 .79375
3⁄64 0.046875 1.19063
1⁄16 0.0625 1.5875
5⁄64 0.078125 1.98438
3⁄32 0.09375 2.38125
7⁄64 0.109375 2.7781
1⁄8 0.125 3.1750
9⁄64 0.140625 3.5719
5⁄32 0.15625 3.9688
11⁄64 0.171875 4.3656
3⁄16 0.1875 4.7625
13⁄64 0.203125 5.1594
7⁄32 0.21875 5.5563
15⁄64 0.234375 5.9531
1⁄4 0.25 6.3500
17⁄64 0.265625 6.7469
9⁄32 0.28125 7.1438
19⁄64 0.296875 7.5406
5⁄16 0.3125 7.9375
21⁄64 0.328125 8.3344
11⁄32 0.34375 8.7313
23⁄64 0.359375 9.1281
3⁄8 0.375 9.5250
25⁄64 0.390625 9.9219
13⁄32 0.40625 10.3188
27⁄64 0.421875 10.7156
7⁄16 0.4375 11.1125
29⁄64 0.453125 11.5094
15⁄32 0.46875 11.9063
31⁄64 0.484375 12.3031
1⁄2 0.5 12.7000
33⁄64 0.515625 13.0969
17⁄32 0.53125 13.4938
35⁄64 0.546875 13.8906
9⁄16 0.5625 14.2875
37⁄64 0.578125 14.6844
19⁄32 0.59375 15.0813
39⁄64 0.609375 15.4781
5⁄8 0.625 15.8750
41⁄64 0.640625 16.2719
21⁄32 0.65625 16.6688
43⁄64 0.671875 17.0656
11⁄16 0.6875 17.4625
45⁄64 0.703125 17.8594
23⁄32 0.71875 18.2563
47⁄64 0.734375 18.6531
3⁄4 0.75 19.0500
49⁄64 0.765625 19.4469
25⁄32 0.78125 19.8438
51⁄64 0.796875 20.2406
13⁄16 0.8125 20.6375
53⁄64 0.828125 21.0344
27⁄32 0.84375 21.4313
55⁄64 0.859375 21.8281
7⁄8 0.875 22.2250
57⁄64 0.890625 22.6219
29⁄32 0.90625 23.0188
59⁄64 0.921875 23.4156
15⁄16 0.9375 23.8125
61⁄64 0.953125 24.2094
31⁄32 0.96875 24.6063
63⁄64 0.984375 25.0031
1 1 25.4000

The information presented here is intended for quick reference only.

Weight Calculators

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